27 Sep, Friday
wordpress seo ultimate guide - 7 easy steps

wordpress seo ultimate guide – 7 easy steps

We have put in some effort to give you what we consider to be the wordpress SEO ultimate guide, with A fast website is an important part of improving your SEO ranking. Site speed is more important than ever, end users will leave a website if a page or useful load time takes more than a few seconds, so every moment is important to attract the attention of the users. -listen to you and manage click-through rates.

One of the most common concerns from part of the WordPress community is the speed of the Content Management System (CMS).

While new integrations have been added to the core of WordPress, the good news is that many websites are running using WordPress as their CMS, and if you have a problem with yours, it can be easily fixed.

In this article, we will outline the most important steps to improve the performance of your website without getting into code details.

wordpress seo ultimate guide

1. Test the speed of your site regularly

The first step to improving the speed of your website is to test it to see what can be improved. There are hundreds of tests to choose from on the Internet when checking performance, however, we will focus on Google Web Core Vitals and Google Lighthouse.

a. Google Core Web Vitals

Started by Google, Core Web Vitals is one of the most important sites for testing internet speed today, providing you with information on the various areas that affect your website. Currently, Core Web Vitals focuses heavily on user experience, with metrics such as download performance, compatibility, and visual stability; However, it is clearly stated that these things may change in the future.

b. Google flagship

Lighthouse Report Technology is an open source technology from Google, which analyzes your website speed. As with Web Core Vitals, this report is very comprehensive and will present breakdowns that may be slowing down your page, overall performance, accessibility, and SEO best practices.

2. Change the PHP version

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is the coding language that WordPress is based on. This means that as WordPress evolves in version, it will need the latest version of this scripting language. Fortunately, WordPress has a PHP warning if it thinks your current CMS version is incompatible or requires a new version to be installed.

Once a software version stops receiving security updates, it reaches “end of life” and is no longer recommended for use. If your host does not automatically update your PHP version, you can switch between different versions on the site using cPanel.

3. Choose a WordPress-focused host

Site speed goes further than hosting, however, the host you choose will be the foundation of your website. A web host that focuses on providing the best service for your WordPress site comes down to server resources.

We strongly recommend that you host your WordPress website at ChemiCloud, they provide their customers with high performance servers for WordPress, which makes your website faster.

No additional software configuration is required to see significant improvements in your WordPress performance.

4. Use a caching plugin

Some of the most popular plugins in the WordPress ecosystem are caching plugins. They are touted as a great way to improve your website’s performance, but what do they actually do? Simply put, caching is when your computer remembers the data that is most commonly used on websites to save time.

This means that when you open a website, your computer first searches locally to see if it has any recently cached versions to display.

Since WordPress sites are powerful, every time an end user requests your website, they receive content from the host. The website will try to load new data and may be slow as a result. If you don’t update your website regularly, using a caching plugin whose job is to create a static version of your website that can be cached can increase the speed of your website.

These days, caching plugins have a variety of ways to improve your performance, from file size reduction to image optimization and more.

Due to compatibility issues, we do not recommend having more than one caching plugin running at the same time, as running multiple plugins is detrimental to optimization purposes.

6. Upload your image

Images can be tricky large files. So when your computer requests information from a host, it may be one of the last things you load. Optimizing your images can be done before or after they are uploaded to your website.

WordPress supports WebP images which are mainly the images introduced by Google that maintain the image quality and take up a lot of space. Image optimization plugins are also a popular choice for WordPress users.

7. Consider being lazy

Contrary to what their name suggests, lazy loading is a great way to improve your site’s speed.

A dynamic server will load your content only when it is needed, reducing the number of resources and server requests to serve your website. Some plugins now include lazy ones


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