27 Sep, Friday
These foreign currency deposits are the financial assets of central banks and major financial institutions that are held in various reserve currencies (such as US dollars, euros, Japanese yen, Chinese yuan (renminbi), Swiss francs and pounds) sterling) and used for fishing its debt (for example local currency issued in various bank deposits of the government or financial institutions kept at the Central Bank).

top 10 countries with the smallest foreign exchange reserves

This article is about top 10 countries with the lowest foreign exchange reserves.Foreign reserves, also called foreign reserves, are, strictly speaking, only foreign deposits held by central banks and major financial institutions.

However, in practice, it includes gold reserves, Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) reserves because this figure, which is more commonly referred to as government securities or international or international securities. reserve, is faster and more important.

top 10 countries with the lowest foreign exchange reserves

These foreign currency deposits are the financial assets of central banks and major financial institutions that are held in various reserve currencies (such as US dollars, euros, Japanese yen, Chinese yuan (renminbi), Swiss francs and pounds) sterling) and used for fishing its debt (for example local currency issued in various bank deposits of the government or financial institutions kept at the Central Bank).

RankCountryForeign exchange reserves
1.Somalia$32 million
2.Burkina Faso$45 million
3.São Tomé and Príncipe$47 million
4.Equatorial Guinea$48 million
5.Benin$60 million
6.South Sudan$68 million
7.Burundi$111 million
8.Chad$147 million
9.Zimbabwe$151 million
10.Senegal$152 million

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