26 Sep, Thursday
merits and demerits of artificial intelligence

merits and demerits of artificial intelligence

Today we look at the merits and demerits of artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is one of the emerging technologies that try to simulate human thinking in artificial intelligence systems.

John McCarthy coined the term artificial intelligence in 1950.
He said: “Any aspect of learning or any other aspect of intelligence can in principle be described so precisely that a machine can be made to simulate it.

The test is to make machines use language. , form abstractions and concepts, solve problems that are currently reserved for human problems and improve themselves

what is artificial intelligence AI?

Artificial intelligence is the ability of a computer program to learn and think. Artificial intelligence can be considered everything that includes a program that does something that we normally do.

The merits of artificial intelligence

1) Reduce Human Error:

The term “human error” came about because people make mistakes from time to time. But computers do not make these mistakes if they are programmed correctly. With the help of artificial intelligence, decisions are made based on previously collected information using certain algorithms. Thus, errors are reduced and accuracy can be achieved with greater accuracy.
Example: In weather forecasting using artificial intelligence, they reduced most of the human errors.

2) Taking risks instead of humans:

This is one of the biggest advantages of AI. We can overcome many risky human limitations by developing an AI robot that can in turn do risky things for us.

Be it going to Mars, detonating a bomb, exploring the deepest parts of the oceans, mining coal and oil, it can be used effectively in any natural or man-made disaster.
Example: Did you hear about the Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion in Ukraine?

At the time, there were no artificial intelligence robots to help us minimize the effects of radiation in the initial stages of the fire, because anyone who approached the core died within minutes.

Finally, they dropped sand and drill from distant helicopters.
AI bots can be used in situations where intervention can be dangerous.

3) Available 24/7:

An average person works
-6 hours a day without breaks. People are structured to have time to refresh and prepare for a new day at work, and they even chose every week to stay on top of their work and personal life.

But using artificial intelligence we can make machines work 24/7 without breaks and unlike humans they don’t even get bored.
Example: Educational institutions and counseling centers receive many questions and problems that AI can effectively solve.

4) Helping with Repetitive Tasks:

In our daily work, we do many repetitive tasks like sending thank you notes, checking some documents for errors and many more. With AI, we can productively automate these everyday tasks and even eliminate the “boring” tasks from humans, freeing them up to be even more creative.
Example: In banks, we often see a lot of document checks to get a loan, which is a repetitive task for the bank owner.

By using artificial intelligence cognitive automation, the owner can speed up the document review process, which benefits both customers and the owner.

5) Digital Support:

Some highly developed organizations use digital assistants to interact with users, thus saving the need for human resources. Digital assistants were also used in many websites to provide users with things they wanted.

We can talk to them about what we are looking for. Some chatbots are designed in such a way that it is difficult to determine whether we are talking to a chatbot or a human.
Example: We all know that organizations have a customer support team to clear the doubts and queries of the customers. With the help of artificial intelligence, organizations can set up a Voice robot or Chatbot to help customers in all their queries. We see that many organizations have already started using them in their websites and mobile applications.

6) Faster decisions:

Using artificial intelligence along with other technologies, we can make machines make decisions faster than humans and take actions faster. When making a decision, a person analyzes many factors, both emotionally and practically, but a machine powered by artificial intelligence works in a programmed way and gives faster results.
Example: We’ve all played chess games on Windows.

Because of the AI ​​behind the game, it is almost impossible to beat the CPU in hard mode. It makes the best possible move in a very short time according to the algorithms behind it.

7) Daily Apps:

Daily apps like Apple’s Siri, Windows’ Cortana, Google’s OK Google are often used in our daily routine, whether it’s finding a place, taking a selfie, making a call, answering an email and more. more
Example: About 20 years ago, when we were going somewhere, we asked someone who was there for directions. But now you just have to say “OK Google, where is Visakhapatnam”.

It shows the location of Visakhapatnam on Google map and the best route between you and Visakhapatnam.

8) New Inventions:

Artificial intelligence enables many inventions in almost every field to help people solve the most complex problems.

Recently, doctors were able to predict a woman’s breast cancer at an earlier stage using advanced techniques based on artificial intelligence.

demerits of artificial intelligence

1) High cost of creation:

As AI is updated every day, hardware and software must be updated to meet the latest requirements. The machines require repair and maintenance, which requires large expenses. Its creation requires a lot of money, because it is a very complex machine.

2) Making people lazy:

AI makes people lazy with its applications that automate most of the work. People tend to become addicted to these inventions, which can cause problems for future generations.

3) Unemployment:

As artificial intelligence replaces most repetitive tasks and other jobs with robots, human intervention will decrease, causing a major problem in employment standards. Every organization is trying to replace minimally qualified people with artificial intelligence robots that can do the same job more efficiently.

4) No Emotions:

There is no doubt that machines are much better when it comes to working efficiently, but they cannot replace the human bond that forms a team. Machines cannot connect with humans, which is an important feature of team management.

5) Lack of out-of-the-box thinking:

Machines can only perform the tasks they are designed or programmed to perform, anything they tend to crash or produce nonsensical results that can be a major background.

Last word

We have given you an idea on the merits and demerits of artificial intelligence. Every new invention or breakthrough has both, but we humans must take care of it and use the positive aspects of the invention to create a better world. Artificial intelligence has enormous potential benefits. Humans are the key to making sure the “rise of the robots” doesn’t disappear. Some also say that AI could destroy human civilization if it falls into the wrong hands. But still, no application of artificial intelligence on this scale can destroy or enslave humanity.


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