27 Sep, Friday
how to use salt to clean your house

how to use salt to clean your house

Do you have any idea of how to use salt to clean your house? Are you ready to love the power of carpet cleaning salts? Salt is an amazing cleaning and deodorizing agent for your entire home. This article includes various recipes for homemade cleaning solutions that can withstand many of today’s commercial products, and help you with your family project.

So, save your salt cabinet and get ready to tackle the toughest cleaning job in your home.

Let’s start with the bathroom.

Sinks: Make a paste of turpentine mixed with salt to restore the yellow enamel white decor.

Use it in the sink, tub or toilet.

Apply, leave for 15 minutes, then wipe off with a damp sponge.

Carpet cleaners

Carpet dirt is tough. 

Sauce: For sauce stains on carpets, first remove as much moisture as possible by covering the stain with salt. This will prevent the grease from spreading.

Follow the carpet manufacturer’s instructions.

You may need a dry cleaning solution or an enzymatic detergent.

Grease: Remove grease stains from carpets with a mixture of 1 part salt and 4 parts rubbing alcohol.

Dry thoroughly in the same way as the carpet floor, then rinse with water.

Red wine: immediately wipe off any water in the water, then sprinkle the area with salt.

Allow the dirt to sit for 15 minutes.

The salt should absorb the wine left in the mat (it will turn pink).

Then, use a mixture of ⅓ cup vinegar and ⅔ cup water to clean the entire area.

Refresh your furniture

Furniture can last longer when you do things to repair it, especially when salt is involved.

Wicker: Prevent white wicker furniture from yellowing by covering it with a stiff straw that has been soaked in salt water.

  • Dry it, then leave the pieces to dry in the sunlight.
  • Wood: When a dish or hot water spills on the wooden table, remove the mark with a good paste of salad oil and salt.
  • Just wipe off the paste, then dab it lightly with a soft cloth.

Pewter: Pewter should be very clean because it is a soft metal that tarnishes easily.

  • Add flour and a mixture of 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 cup of wine until you can make it soft.
  • Apply the paste to the pewter piece.
  • Let it dry for half an hour, then wash it off with warm water.
  • Buff with a soft cloth, taking care to remove the residue from the holes or hidden areas.

Metals: To clean and polish copper or metal surfaces, make a paste of equal parts flour, flour, and alcohol.

  • Rub it with a soft cloth, leave for about 1 hour, then wipe and clean with a soft cloth.
  • Clean tarnished decorative pieces of copper by spraying them with alcohol and sprinkle with salt.
  • Rub the pieces with a sponge, then rinse well, taking care to remove all the salt. Repeat if necessary.
  • Use a lemon wedge dipped in salt to clean slightly worn bras or brass.
  • Rinse after you’re done.
  • Salt can also be your best friend.

Family work and salt

The chemical properties of salt also make it useful for many repair and maintenance jobs around the home.

You can use salt to make your own plaster.

Salt also works wonders in removing rust and preventing new rust from forming.

Let’s start with the recovery of the wall.

Plaster: Mix 2 spoons of salt and 2 spoons of corn, then add enough water (about 5 teaspoons) to make a thick paste.

Use the paste to fill small nail holes, cracks or other gaps in Sheetrock or plaster.

Allow the paste to dry, then sand lightly in the paint.

Candles: prevent new candles from burning by first soaking them in a strong solution of 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup salt for several hours.

Let the candles dry, then burn them as before.

Fireplace: A pinch of salt thrown into your fireplace will help loosen the soot in your fireplace.

It also emits a bright yellow flame.

Rouille: Mix salt and cream of tartar and add enough water to make a paste. Apply to rust and metal furniture outside; let it sit in the sun until dry.

Repeat the process if necessary.

Another way to remove rust is to make lemon juice and salt.

Apply the paste to the steel and rub it with a soft, warm cloth.


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