22 Dec, Sunday
how to recall emails in gmail or outlook

how to recall emails in gmail or outlook

This article is about how to recall emails on Gmail or Outlook. Email providers like Outlook and Gmail have great features that allow you to edit or recall messages after sending them. This gives you an easy way to fix typos or edit the original message quickly, but there are a few loopholes. First, the return request must be initiated before the recipient opens and reads the email, and you only have a short time to use the feature. The rules are different depending on the email service you use

how to recall emails in gmail or outlook

. Certain security settings on the part of the sender or receiver can also cause message recall attempts to fail. Therefore, the safest thing is to avoid sending embarrassing emails that you may regret in the first place.

With all that in mind, let’s look at how to remember emails in Outlook and Gmail. We will also address some of the differences in each jurisdiction.

How to recall emails in Microsoft Outlook

According to Microsoft support, the callback feature is open to users with Microsoft Exchange email addresses. These can be provided by your workplace or Internet service provider, and are available to all Microsoft Office 365 subscribers.

Assuming you have the feature, here’s how to use it:

In the folder pane on the left side of the Outlook window,

select the Sent Items folder.

  • Open the message you want to remember.
  • You have to click twice to open the message.
  • Selecting information to appear in the reading pane will not allow you to recall the information.
  • If you have the classic ribbon, on the Messages tab,
  • select Actions > Remember this message. If you have the Simplified Ribbon, select the Information tab, then select More Commands (…).
  • Point to Actions and select Retrieve this message.
  • Click Delete unread messages
  • or Delete unread messages and replace them with new messages, and
  • then click OK.

You can also request to be sent a message informing you of the success or failure of the return.

If you are sending a new message to a meeting, type the message, then click Send.
If you try to recall an email that the recipient has already read, even if it’s the wrong one, they will receive a second message informing them of the recall.

And they will still have the original email.

If you only edit your original email, both the edited and original versions will remain in the recipient’s inbox.

how to recall Emails in Gmail

Gmail’s reminder feature works differently than Microsoft Exchange, but it still lets you remember sent messages that arrive in the recipient’s mailbox.
Microsoft Exchange is not an email client with a callback option.

Gmail can also remember emails, only its function is called “not sent” or “not sent”.

The callback process is only available a short time after the email reaches the recipient’s inbox, so you need to make the decision to do so quickly.

If you decide to send an email by accident or send it to the wrong person, you have little time to correct it.

According to Google Support, once a message is sent, you can remove it:

  • At the bottom left, you will see Sent Messages and the option to cancel or view the message.
    Click Cancel.
  • If you click on the reminder message option in time, your email should be reminded correctly. Otherwise, however, the return failed.

Gmail has a short reminder period to recall emails

Gmail also lets you set the snooze time for sent emails, but only up to 30 seconds.

On your computer, go to Gmail.

  • On the top right, click Settings, see all settings.
  • Next to cancel sending, choose a cancel sending time of 5, 10, 20, or 30 seconds.
  • At the bottom, click Save Changes.

After 30 seconds, I think the only recourse is to take advantage of the the undo option early enough


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