27 Sep, Friday
How To Rank Higher On YouTube within a few hours

How To Rank Higher On YouTube within a few hours

This article is about How To Rank Higher On YouTube within a few hour. If you want more people to see your YouTube videos, then knowing how to get high ranking on YouTube should be your starting point. This is especially because if people can’t find you, they can’t watch your videos or subscribe to your channel, it will hurt your YouTube search ranking.

  • You see, every YouTuber started their YouTube channel with 0 views and 0 subscribers, I mean each of them. However, none of them wants to remain at 0 numbers, hence the efforts to make some get millions of views.
  • Efforts to produce videos are very different, so you will see some YouTube videos that get thousands of views on one topic while another video on the same topic may reach 10 people.

The answer is neither mysterious nor mysterious. The answer is simple, know how to get high ranking on YouTube.

If you want people to see your videos, you need to promote your videos. This is important now that new creators are often joining the platform.

And in this article, I will show you how to get high ranking on YouTube within hours. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

How to get high ranking on YouTube

In order for your channel and videos to get the high number of YouTube searches, you need to optimize your content so that people click and play. It’s not just about the videos you create and upload to your channel.

The title, title, description and tags of your video are also important. That’s a lot to consider if you’re trying to get your YouTube channel ranked high and on the first page of YouTube search.

Below are some ways to get high ranking on YouTube

Use keywords

I’m sure you know how important words are. Keywords will help you rank higher in search engines like Google and YouTube, allowing your video to be found through online searches.

Trying to rank for low traffic phrases is a mistake many people make. Choosing the right keywords is really the difference between ranking high and low in the SERPs.

Although you can do many things with the YouTube platform, but it cannot search your video content to find keywords for you, so you can add them yourself.

If you need help choosing the best keywords, you can use the YouTube Keyword Tool or Google’s Keyword Planner to find ones with low competition but high search volume.

Using the right keywords will help YouTube determine if your content is relevant, and they will help your audience know what your video is about.

How To Rank Higher On YouTube within a few hours

a few places where you’ll want to make sure you’re using the right keywords

Add keywords to your name

Make sure your video title tells viewers exactly what they should expect to see in your video.

Is your name long? People lose interest and ignore you. Is your name too short? People don’t know if that’s what they’re looking for, they ignore you.

In fact, it is more difficult than it seems. In simple terms, try to include keywords in the title of your video.

In particular, your video title should be around 120 characters. It’s enough to tell people what they’re watching, but not too much to reveal everything.

Add keywords to your description

When writing your YouTube video description, make sure that you include your keywords naturally, not so much that it can be seen.

As long as the description is fluid and not forced, everything is fine.

Doing this is a great way to increase your YouTube ranking, however, if you spam your keywords with your comments, you will only hurt your chances of getting on YouTube. SERPs.

Note: When writing your video description, be sure to include a link to your website or blog. This is for Google ranking purposes, YouTube links to your website are considered backlinks. But it can help you to pursue a higher level.

Post a high quality video

So here’s the thing. If you want your YouTube videos to rank, you have to do everything you can to get people to watch them. The amount of people watching your video is known as audience retention.

And according to YouTube’s records, “audience retention” is a big indicator.

This means that if your video gets people on YouTube, YouTube will rank your video higher in search results.

After all, YouTube, like any other business, wants people to visit them. Support for YouTube is to stay on the platform and click on ads.

Any content creator can help them achieve this goal and promote your video.

How To Rank Higher On YouTube within a few hours

YouTube video promotion

To help you get higher YouTube rankings, you need to make sure you optimize your videos.

Here’s how to get the most SEO value out of your videos that can help you rank higher.

Mention your target topic

One way to promote your YouTube video is to mention your main target in the video. If you have noticed, YouTube automatically transcribes your videos. But they are right.

So if YouTube sees that you’ve mentioned your target keyword in your video, they’ll “hear” it, and because you’re actually talking about your video’s best keywords, YouTube will understand which Well your video is about this issue. video title
The title of your YouTube video is very important. Your video title should be at least five words. This way, you can include your full article without spamming.

video description

The description of your video is as important as the title of your video. In fact, it is very important.

Your video description helps YouTube and Google understand the location of your video.

I mean, if they want your video to rank, they should know what it is. Neither YouTube nor Google can watch your videos.

And the better they understand your video, the higher your video will rank and the more you will appear in the recommended video section.

Here are the basic guidelines for optimizing your video description below:

  • Enter your topic in the first 25 words
  • Write a description of at least 250 words
  • Enter your topic 2-4 times
  • The main issue
  • Youtube video tags

Well, tags may not be as important as other factors when it comes to promoting your videos, however, they are not the least important in this picture.

Here’s how I use video tags for my videos:

My first tag is my specific target keyword (Example: “Google SEO”).
I also include some variations of that word or phrase (Example: “Google Search Engine Optimization”)
Finally, I make some of my tags from other topics covered in my videos (Example: “Link Building”, “Content Marketing”)

Pro Tip: Targeted tags not only help you rank for your target article, they allow you to show more when like a similar video in the YouTube sidebar. That will make your video rank higher on YouTube.

So don’t be afraid to use the same tags as your competitors, because they will let you be seen.

In fact, it’s a good YouTube marketing practice that has been working for years.

When your video tag matches a video someone is watching, you have a good chance of appearing in the “Video Suggestion” section.

And that’s all there is to promoting your video to rank on YouTube.

Promote your video

In the same way that you can get a high ranking on YouTube, promoting your videos is one of the best steps to take in that direction.

Earlier, we talked a lot about creating videos that maximize audience retention and user experience branding, which is also important.

However, for YouTube to measure your audience retention, you need to get views on your videos! This means that video enhancements must be included.

Here are some strategies you can use to get more targeted views on your video by promoting it

How To Rank Higher On YouTube within a few hours

Share your videos on Quora and other forums

If you can share your videos on Quora, forums, or other Q&A sites which are some of the most popular sites on the web, you will be able to drive traffic to your YouTube channel.

However, if you visit these Q&A sites and deface your blog content, you will be banned. That’s why if you want to link to a YouTube video, you should be interesting, not spammy.

The views you will get by posting your videos on these sites, which are places where people go who are looking for information about a particular topic, will be great.

So, when you want to post your link, try it on a topic related to your video, so your viewers will watch a relevant part to help them learn more about that topic. When you find a question that seems appropriate, answer the question as best you can.

Finally, link to your video at the end of your answer.

Embed your videos into blog posts

Another way to promote your videos is to embed your videos in blog posts. To do this, every time you write a blog post on your site or as a guest for another site, always look for the perfect place to put your link.

Create backlinks

Another way to get high ranking on YouTube is to create backlinks. Backlinks are a type of link that is a huge plus for any content, videos included.

If you know how to optimize written content, such as your blog or website content, for Google, you will know that the number of backlinks you can get on the topic helps determine the value of your content.

Now, since we know that Google owns YouTube, it is not surprising that YouTube works the same way.

To increase backlinks to your YouTube videos, make sure you post links to your videos in as many places as possible, such as your website and blog.

You can also try asking other websites in your niche for help, asking them to post a link to your video on their site or write them a guest book that includes a link to your video.

The more backlinks you have, the better your YouTube ranking will be, as well as your Google ranking.

Ranking high on Google can also make your video appear on their first page of search results for your most relevant keywords.


YouTube is a competitive place to share your content because many people visit it every day.

Sometimes competing on YouTube can be out of place at times, but you need to remember that there are still many ways to get higher rankings and improve your YouTube SEO. So, if you want to know how to get high ranking on YouTube, feel free to use the various methods listed above.


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