How to make a Local Account in Windows 10 without Password
This article is about How to make a Local Account in Windows 10 without Password. Did you know that Windows 10 supports creating passwordless accounts for local user accounts.
However, you cannot create an account without a password for a Microsoft account.
If you often carry a laptop or tablet, you should set a strong password and encrypt the hard drive.
How to make a Local Account in Windows 10 without Password
Follow the instructions below to create a local user account without a password in Windows 10.
Option 1: Create a local account without a password
- On a Windows 10 computer, go to Settings > Accounts > Family & other users.
- In the “Other Users” section, click the “Add someone else to this PC” option. This will open the account creation dialog. Add others to this PC
- Click “I don’t have this person’s login information“. I don’t have this person’s login information
- In the dialog that appears, click the link to add a user without a Microsoft account. add a user without a Microsoft account
- Now, enter the desired name for the user account, then enter anything in the password, and then re-enter the password field. Create an account without a password
- Click the next button to create an account.
Option 2: Set up a local account without a password
Step 1: Turn off Wi-Fi on your computer or turn off Ethernet temporarily.
Step 2: Go to Settings > Accounts > Family & other users, and click the “Add someone else to this PC” option.
Add others to this PC
Windows 10 gives you a local user account instead of prompting you to create a Microsoft account when you’re offline.
Step 3: Enter the user account name for the new local account.
To create an account without a password, you must set a password and reset the password field to blank.
Finally, click the “Next” button to create an account without a password.