27 Sep, Friday
how to know if someone is stalking you - 10 subtle signs

how to know if someone is stalking you – 10 subtle signs

Today we are going to talk about how to know if someone is stalking you. It is therefore only fare we stand by defining what is stalking so that we can be on the same page.

What is stalking?

Stalking is unwanted and/or repeated monitoring of another person by a person or group. Stalking behavior refers to harassment and intimidation and may include following or stalking the victim personally.

People who are characterized as follows may be accused of falsely believing that another person loves them (erotomania) or that they need saving.
Hunters often create imaginary scenarios in their head about your relationship together and are so desperate that they believe your relationship is much more serious than it really is. Any attention, communication and networking with them will only feed the beast, so beat it. Just make sure you’re always honest with the person you want and immediately do your best to make a clean break.

Although stalking is illegal in most parts of the world, some activities that constitute stalking may be legal, such as gathering information, calling, texting, sending gifts, sending emails, or sending instant messages.

They become illegal if they violate the legal definition of harassment (eg, an activity such as texting is not generally illegal, but it is illegal if it is repeated frequently to an unwanted recipient).

how to know if someone is stalking you

1. They are like extremely intense

Beware of the person who is the best in your life. They tell crazy stories, feel every emotion in a 60 second commercial and go from happy to mad over the smallest things.

Stalkers often create fictional scenarios and even relationships in their heads, and when they’re out of touch with reality, you often find yourself wondering why the hell they’re acting crazy half the time – it’s because they are.

2. They show up when you don’t want them

A thief likes to show up at home or work unannounced and uninvited, and often when they know you’re busy with something else.

If you haven’t told them about your other plans, they’ll probably be watching your every move. They can appear when you are on a date with someone else, at a work lunch, or even at your place for a family dinner. It’s all about getting your attention and hoping to meet your family or co-workers or claim something that isn’t in front of their fellow humans.

3. They are your number 1 follower on social networks

It is quite common to follow and friend even the most casual acquaintances. But that might not be such a good thing when you’re dealing with a potential Stalker.

If he is the first to like everything you post and comment on every picture you post, unfriend him and block him immediately.

They’re tough and have nothing better to do than create virtual photo boards of your future home and kids, and they’ve probably already picked out the nursery furniture and arranged it.

4. They send you unwanted and inappropriate gifts

If someone sends you gifts “just because” and you’re not in a relationship, run for the hills.

Some stalkers go so far as to send pornographic and other embarrassing gifts to your door or workplace to make it seem like you have a physical relationship with the person behind it.

They just flex their powerful muscles and hope it loves you, but you have to tell them to walk.

5. They “bump you” everywhere

You can accidentally bump into them once. A maximum of two times. They absolutely, definitely planned everything. Unless you are in their class or work in the same office.

But if they’re walking down the cereal aisle, and then again, if you’re picking up your clothes from the mall changes, they’re sure to follow you.

6. They invade personal space

No one likes a close conversationalist.

The same goes for excessive hugging and not being able to carry on a conversation without touching you, as if they are one shot away from falling to the floor in an “I can’t take it anymore” pool.

Fixation is one thing, but if they take it and combine it with the other warning signs listed here, they are probably stalkers.

7. They threaten to hurt you or themselves.

This is simply illegal and should set off every alarm in your brain screaming for you to run. If they threaten you, call the police and file a report.

If they threaten you, call the police and file a report.

Then tell your child to leave you alone and never come back because he is no longer welcome on your playground.

8. They play the hero

Stalkers simply love to be the hero, and this can manifest itself in many different ways.

They may conveniently show up when you need a ride, or they may just happen to be available as a dog sitter when you’re away on business, even if you haven’t asked for their help.

Because heroes don’t need to be asked, they offer it without shame. If they’re not wearing a cape and you’re pretty sure they can’t kill you with their eyeballs, remove them.

9. They know things they shouldn’t

If you’ve just started talking or dating someone and they know things about your past and your family and friends that you haven’t discussed with them in person, you can be sure that they’ is stalking you online.

If they know how many siblings you have and who your best friend is, they also know how many drinks you had on the drive home on Friday night and how much your lunch was yesterday.

10. Your gut tells you something isn’t quite right

As with everything else in life, listen to your gut. If you feel anxious around them, can’t wait to get on the phone with them, or have more questions than answers and too many WTFs, you need to be clear.

Stalkers don’t pick up signals very well either, so you take it

last word

You need have information on how to know if someone is stalking you. Stalkers are often just like that because they have a serious mental imbalance and a false idea of ​​what a relationship should look like. Whether they realize it or not, it’s a really powerful game that helps them feel in control of the situation and everything you do.

If they don’t, they try to manipulate the situation or create a situation that makes them feel in control.
It is quite possible that they started pursuing as a catfishing plan, and when you get to know them in real life, they are not what they seemed.

This is another reason why it’s not advisable to walk a stranger home from the bar on a Friday night or hook up with someone you just met online. Save the overnight for someone you’re not sure won’t bring a moving truck to the second date, and revise your screening process so you don’t attract more crazies.


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