27 Sep, Friday
How To Increase Public Watch Hours On YouTube

How To Increase Public Watch Hours On YouTube

This article is about how to Increase Public Watch Hours On YouTube. Content creators are always looking for ways to increase public hours on YouTube.

  • The platform is the world’s leading video sharing site and has over 2 billion users worldwide with over a billion hours of daily streaming.
  • There is no doubt that everyone who creates content on YouTube really wants a little of that big view time.

Although the platform needs enough time and resources to create good content, viewing the content is still a big challenge. In this article, I will look at how to increase public hours of viewing on YouTube.

What is the watch time on YouTube?

YouTube defines its watch time metric as “the length of time a viewer has watched a video.

This gives you an idea of ​​what content viewers actually watch (as opposed to videos they click on and then leave). ).

” YouTube views its public watch as a sort of experiment to see how well content engages viewers.

The longer a viewer spends on a video, the harder it will be to find useful information for their search.

This translates into more viewers seeing the ads and content, which means more money for YouTube.

This is one of the reasons why YouTube uses watch time as the top ranking indicator in its algorithm.

How to increase public watch hours on YouTube

The goal of almost all content creators on YouTube is to make their content appear to a larger audience and increase their income.

Many factors contribute to the success of the channel and Watch Time is one of those factors.

So, if you want to know how to get more views on YouTube, follow some of the tips we are about to share below:

Creating value through quality content

To get view time on YouTube, content creators must first master the art of creating and uploading great content. It’s no secret that in YouTube, content is king and if you want to calculate the perfect watch time, you will have to add quality to it.

Therefore, one of the fastest ways to increase public hours on YouTube is to simply monetize your content.

So if your content is real, unique, useful and informative enough, you will definitely see an increase within hours of public viewing.

The quality of the content is one aspect of the service and the other is the quality of delivery.

Content should be tailored to fit your target demographic. This means creating effective, powerful and engaging content.

In short, content creators need to find themselves based on what their audience wants. Get the mix right and you will make your audience stay tuned to watch your channel’s content till the end.

SERVE the audience in the first 15 minutes

The opening time of any YouTube content plays an important role in its success or failure. If the content doesn’t grab the viewer’s attention right from the start, it’s likely to get lost.

And according to the statistics, 33% of the viewers stop watching the video after 30 seconds, increasing the failure every second. This translates to a loss of about 60% in the second quarter.

Therefore, the first 15 seconds of any content should be interesting and engaging.

It should also be concise and let viewers know what they can expect from other content.

Also, keep your spacing consistent throughout the content and punctuation at the end. Always keep in mind that you need to be effective in your first 15 seconds because your content is for your audience.

Remember that a high bounce rate will hurt your audience’s watch time by lowering it.

Create long-form video content

use a longer video

How To Increase Public Watch Hours On YouTube

Besides the quality and uniqueness of your video content, long videos can help you reach your goals faster. Many YouTubers are now seeing the benefits of creating videos that are longer than 10 minutes.

So don’t hesitate, add long content to your channel and watch your watch time increase.

Podcasting offers a great way to create content for more than 10 minutes and you should consider creating your own podcast. This will allow you to reduce the viewing time of each viewer.

Another advantage is that you can post videos with little effort and time spent on editing.

You can record, make your podcast, hit the end, and post a new video.

Live streaming is another way to increase the hours of public viewing on YouTube. Like podcasts, it requires no editing and counts on your public watch.

A simple add-on can give you an idea of ​​the viewing time you’ll get in a live streaming session.

Simply multiply the average number of viewers by the length of your stream to calculate your hourly rate.

Take, for example, a live streaming session that lasts 2 hours and you have an average of 50 viewers, which will equal about 100 hours of viewing time.

Use important titles and thumbnail

When people search for a video on YouTube, the first thing they see is the title and thumbnail. Use them as your book cover or front page! This means you need to create a title and design thumbnails that are eye-catching and describe your content well.

Be careful not to mislead the audience with irrelevant titles or acronyms. This will result in a higher CTR value and a correspondingly higher bounce rate, because that is not what the audience wants.

Another way to mislead the public is that your content can get flagged, which will ultimately damage your performance on YouTube.

Thumbnails should also be optimized for desktop and mobile audiences. Another feature is to use a short descriptive text. The description text is displayed below your video in the search results. So, promote it by adding relevant keywords.

To recap, thumbnails, titles and descriptions are all important if you want to increase your visibility on YouTube. Football is used to make the first impression on the audience.

The thumbnail grabs their attention, the name expands on the subject they are interested in and the description, and the description is calculated with other factors.

Use playlists to enhance the linear viewing experience

Overall, creating a playlist for your YouTube content helps viewers have a longer viewing experience while watching your best content. Therefore, when we talk about how to increase public hours of viewing on YouTube, we can only mention playlists.

Playlists are a way to organize your content in order to create the perfect viewing experience. It is based on the fact that the viewers will probably watch the content where they do not need to do any other external actions on their part.

This has the effect of increasing watch hours for channels that use playlists and high ratings on YouTube.

For convenience, YouTube offers a start and end feature to help creators mark the IN and OUT points for each video.

One thing to keep in mind is that with a playlist, you eliminate the need for an intro and outro for each video. This allows your room to include useful content and avoid annoying the audience.

Another advantage of playlists is that creators can link to related videos at the end of each video. To increase viewing time, simply link to a playlist with a theme.

When viewers click the playlist URL, they are redirected to the playlist player.

Get more people to subscribe

However, on how to increase the number of hours people watch on YouTube, one way to do this is to increase your subscriber base. This is one of the most important steps in growing a YouTube channel and if you want more views, you need to pursue it carefully.

Getting more subscribers ensures that your content reaches as many potential viewers as possible. The more viewers a channel attracts, the more likely that the viewing time of its videos will increase.

Growing the subscriber base of a channel can be tricky but it is not an easy task.

But, some actions like channel promotion, promoting your content on other platforms like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, etc., it is important to keep in mind that it is not enough to get subscribers.

A good job is to get subscribers to engage with your content to help increase watch time. We have detailed information on how to get subscribers.

For one, more subscribers help build social support for a channel. This usually shows that the channel is popular and when new users see this there is a good chance they will subscribe. If they do, they will contribute to your watch time by viewing your content.

Use a video card and end screen

The YouTube platform is also trying to help its users increase their social viewing time by providing them with a video card on the end screen. A video card allows you to present more of your content to an audience to watch your content.

The video card is a small icon that appears in the upper right corner of your video. YouTube allows the creator to recommend at least 5 additional videos per piece of content. Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity!

Video end screens are similar to video cards, but they force the audience to watch your content until the end. The end screen is the only way to tell the audience to check your content again.

The YouTube platform allows creators to add up to 4 videos and a playlist in the last 20 minutes of content.


Every YouTuber wants to increase their hours of exposure and do it; they need to apply more methods to make the content viewable. we share some of these methods in the article above. Keep in mind that every YouTuber’s journey is different and the method you will use will depend on the level of the journey you have.


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