27 Sep, Friday
How To Grow Your Gaming Channel (a full guide)

How To Grow Your Gaming Channel (a full guide)

This article is about how To Grow Your Gaming Channel (a full guide). Starting and growing a gaming channel on YouTube is no small feat. However, it is not impossible and because playing video games is an activity enjoyed by millions of people, it is reasonable to expect stiff competition.

In mid-2015, YouTube broke the internet by launching YouTube Gaming. This seems odd to many video creators, especially since YouTube Gaming is similar to YouTube and how it works.

However, YouTube Gaming was launched for a very good reason.

In fact, sports content is one of the most popular content on YouTube, and with major streaming services like Twitch, there is more sports content than is available on the Internet.

So what makes a channel a gaming channel?

YouTube gaming Channel is a channel that covers all sports on YouTube.

YouTube gaming channels do a variety of different things, such as creating funny cartoons from the game, others focus on the details of the game, while some go into criticism and research, others turn and turn for sports news, and others serve as. teaching. It’s pretty wide range.

Most YouTube sports channels can fall into one of the following categories:

How to grow your gaming channel

I will give you a very practical way to grow your sports channel.

1. Find your favorite game space

When we talk about niche, there are different definitions, but the most important in terms of sports channels is that which refers to the products and services that are sold to a certain group of people.

In gaming terms, this means you’re focusing on a specific type of content or a specific game style/system. Don’t just focus on general game content.

If you really want to grow, you need to focus on sports, but if you really want to grow fast, you need to focus on the importance of sports.

Many people will say that you can grow by focusing only on the game, but the truth is that if no one is looking for the game or enjoying the game anymore, it will not be noticed.

It would be tempting to play all the games you have when you first start your YouTube channel.

Due to the great popularity of this game in 2021, you can post videos among us.

However, you must see what I said. Choose a sport to play on YouTube if you want to grow your sports channel.

YouTube promotes your videos easily so that viewers are interested if it knows that you are a game developer making a movie about Zelda: Breath of the Wild, for example.

It’s more than just applying YouTube’s algorithm while playing. Maintaining a strong focus and avoiding the temptation to pursue all your interests at once is also very important.

2. Work with other YouTubers in your niche

Another tip that will help you grow your YouTube channel is to work with other YouTubers in your niche.

I mean, what good is our list of tips to help you grow your YouTube gaming channel, if we don’t encourage you to work with other YouTube gaming channels in the same line of gaming as you!

All the top channels on YouTube take advantage of collaboration opportunities, and sports channels are no exception.

Some channels are just places where people from all over YouTube work together to promote their own channels!

3. Upload a video to YouTube every week

On YouTube, consistency is key. While consistency is important on YouTube, you don’t have to upload game content every day as a new creator.

Instead, try to publish at least one video per week on YouTube. YouTube is very good at getting people what they deserve. Whether you post four videos a month or a day, YouTube will continue to promote your content to users.

Don’t burn yourself out trying to follow the recipes of experienced designers. This is especially for beginners. Take it one by one.

This way, you will be able to see how YouTube fits into your life.

4. Video keywords

When it comes to growing your YouTube Gaming channel, video content research is even more important. The way it works is very simple.

If you choose the right keywords? Your video is trending on YouTube. What if you choose the wrong keywords? Your video is buried in search results.

So how do you find the right keywords for YouTube, seeing how important they are to the quality of your videos.

Here’s how to research this topic below:

1. Create a list of seed topics

A keyword is a word that describes a broad topic.

For example, if you are in the social media space, your keywords would be something like:

  • Social network
  • Facebook page
  • Content marketing

See? This is how the seed keyword works. However, these keywords are general topics that you can create your videos.

2. Turn them into YouTube searches

Now, to be clear, you don’t have to optimize your video around each of these criteria because they must be competitive, but having a list of keywords is useful for other criteria.

The next step is to convert your seed keyword list into long tail keywords, where you can decide if these are good or bad keywords for your video.

How to do it? You can do this through something called YouTube Suggest.

It works like Google. All you have to do is enter a keyword from your list on YouTube and see what YouTube keywords suggest for you.

3. YouTube video promotion

To help grow your YouTube gaming channel, you should make sure to promote your gaming videos on your channel.

Now, here’s how to extract the most SEO value from your videos that can help you grow your channel.

4. Mention your target topic

One way to promote your YouTube sports video is to mention your target audience in the video.

So if YouTube sees you mention your target topic in your video, they will “hear” it, and because you’re actually talking, your video will look good.

5. video title

The name of your YouTube game video is very important. Your video title should be at least five words. This way, you can include your full article without spamming.

6. video description

The description of your video is as important as the title of your video.

In fact, it is very important. Your video description helps YouTube and Google understand the location of your video.

I think, Google and YouTube will help you grow your YouTube channel, they should know what it is.

Neither YouTube nor Google can watch your videos.

Here are the basic guidelines for optimizing your video description below:

Enter your topic in the first 25 words
Write a description of at least 250 words
Enter your topic 2-4 times

video tags

Well, tags may not be as important as other factors when it comes to promoting your videos, however, they are not the least important in this picture.

Here’s how I use video tags for my videos:

My first tag is my specific target keyword (Example: “Google SEO”). I also include some variations of that word or phrase (Example: “Google Search Engine Optimization”)
Finally, I do some of my tagging on other topics that my videos cover (Example: “Link Building”, “Content Marketing”)
Don’t be afraid to use the same tags as your competitors because they will find you.

In fact, it’s a good YouTube marketing practice that has been working for years. When your video tag matches a video someone is watching, you have a good chance of appearing in the “Video Suggestion” section.

Attract audience through other social media channels

Now, talking about sports is enough to attract viewers to your YouTube channel, however, your competitors will not sit back and watch you gather all the viewers on your page.

So, to make sure you’re on top of your game as a video creator, you need to attract an audience on other social media channels, such as Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook – wherever you are. have an existing country. an effective way to attract subscribers.

It can be as simple as encouraging people to check out your YouTube channel and your Instagram or Twitter bio. Or post a teaser of your new video on your social network.

This is another great way to drive people to your YouTube channel from other social accounts.

You can post a teaser of your game video on your Instagram story so your Instagram story is perfect for trailers or teasers which in turn will lead viewers to the video with a simple Swipe Uplink.

If you can insult the videos on a regular basis, people will start anticipating your content. Once viewers start anticipating your work, be sure that they will subscribe to your channel in no time.


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