27 Sep, Friday
How to fix Unable to Activate Windows Defender Firewall on Windows 10

How to fix Unable to Activate Windows Defender Firewall on Windows 10

This article is about How to fix Unable to Activate Windows Defender Firewall on Windows 10. One of the most important features built into Windows 10 is Windows Defender Firewall, which is designed to prevent hackers or malware from entering your PC through the Internet or network.

If you can’t get it to work, it means that your computer may be at risk every time you connect to the Internet or other networks. Therefore, it is recommended to turn it on regularly.

But it has been reported recently that many Windows 10 users are having problems with Windows Firewall. That is, they cannot run Windows Defender Firewall.

If you do not activate your Windows Defender Firewall on your system, it will prevent it from protecting your operating system online.

How to fix Unable to Activate Windows Defender Firewall on Windows 10

Fortunately, there are 5 simple and effective ways to help you fix Windows Defender Firewall can’t be turned on as quickly as possible on your Windows 10 system.

  • Method 1: Make a registry change
  • Method 2: Change Windows Defender data value
  • Method 3: Restart the Windows Defender Firewall Service
  • Method 4: Reset Windows Defender Firewall Settings
  • Method 5: Enable Windows Firewall manually using Command Prompt

Method 1: Make a registry change

Step 1: Go to Registry Editor in Windows 10.

Step 2: In the Registry Editor, navigate to the path shown here:


After browsing the BFE options, right-click on the BFE and select the Permissions… option from the context menu.

Activate the permissions

select the right option
Step 3: This will open the Allow for BFE dialog box, click the Apply button. click the enter button
Step 4: In Select users or group, type each person and click OK button.

hit everyone
Step 5: Select anyone under a group or username and check the full control options under Permissions for each person.

Then click Apply Follow OK.

Then click Apply Follow OK.

Check out the full control options
Restart the PC to save the changes. It should be noted that this method is suitable for most users, since this method is from Microsoft’s official BBS, so you can expect to fix the Windows Defender Firewall cannot be turned on error.

Method 2: Change the Windows Defender value data

Step 1: Access a registry editor window and locate the following registry keys:


Step 2: Select WinDefend and double-click Start DWORD.

Double-click Start DWORD

Step 3: Set the value to 2 in the Value data field and click the OK button.

set the data value to 2

You will be able to fix Windows Defender Firewall cannot be turned on.

Method 3: Restart the Windows Defender Firewall Service

Step 1: Open the Services snap-in window in Windows 10.

Step 2: Find and double-click Windows Defender Firewall in the service.msc window.

search for windows defender firewall

Step 3: Make sure the startup type is set to Automatic.

And check if Windows Defender Firewall cannot be turned on is fixed or not.

set the startup type to automatic

Method 4: Reset Windows Defender Firewall Settings

Step 1: Launch Control Panel in Windows 10.

Step 2: In the Control Panel window, select the System and folder option.

select System and Security
Step 3: Click on the Windows Defender Firewall link.

Click Windows Defender Firewall

Step 4: Click the Restore Default Settings link on the left side of the window.

Click the Restore Defaults link
Step 5: Click the Restore Defaults button again. click restore defaults again
Step 6: Click Yes to confirm the change.

And see if you can fix Windows Defender Firewall can’t turn on.

Click Yes to confirm

Method 5: Enable Windows Firewall manually using Command Prompt

Step 1: Open Command Prompt as Administrator in Windows 10.

Step 2: In the Administrative Tool, type the following commands and click Apply. netsh firewall set mode opmode=ENABLE exclude=enable

Type the command and press enter
Step 3: Close the application and restart the PC to save the changes.

The problem should be solved.


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