27 Sep, Friday
How to do fractions on your iPhone calculator

How to do fractions on your iPhone calculator – 4 easy steps

When you hold your iPhone upright in standard drawing mode while using the built-in calculator, you will be able to perform mathematical equations such as addition, subtraction and more. This article is about how to do fractions on your iPhone calculator

You can do fractions on your iPhone calculator using two different methods.

When you turn your iPhone calculator on its side — turning it into a scientific calculator — you’ll be able to use other functions, like the 1/x button to divide fraction values.

However, you can increase the type of mathematical equations you can perform by tilting your iPhone calculator sideways to get a landscape mode scientific calculator layout that allows you to perform mathematical formulas like fractions or numbers. square root.

How to do fractions on your iPhone calculator

Launch the calculator on your iPhone.

Go to your Calculator App. Pound Natel

  1. Once the app is done, turn your iPhone sideways to put it in landscape mode.
Place your iPhone on Landscape mode. Pound Natel

2. There will be other functions on the left side of the screen that will appear.

3. When you’re ready to calculate fractions, enter the number you want to convert to a fraction.

4.Then you can press the 1/x button to add the number to the number (the number will be 1) and get your winnings.

Press 1/x button. Pound Natel

You can calculate the value of a fraction that does not contain 1 in a number by using the division button.

Specifically, this process can be done by entering your numeric value, pressing the divide key, and then entering a value.

When you click the equals button (=), you will get the value of your fraction.


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