22 Dec, Sunday
how to deep clean your freezer

how to deep clean your freezer

Before we talk about how to deep clean your freezer, when was the last time you cleaned your freezer? and does it matter?

If you can’t remember – or, perhaps, you haven’t done the practice – well, we don’t blame you. It’s one of those menial household chores that might not be high on your to-do list (if not at all).

Why should I clean my freezer?

Over time, dirt, dust and food debris can build up in your freezer. If this grime builds up on the coil, it can reduce the performance of the machine,which is why it’s important to remove said gunk regularly.

Doing this will ensure that your freezer operates more efficiently, which means less energy use and savings on your electricity bill.

On top of that, each cleaning allows you to check the contents of your freezer and eat the things that are nearing the end. It can help reduce food waste and save money on your grocery bill.

How often should I clean my freezer?

While how often you should clean your freezer depends on many factors, such as the brand/model, how often you use it and your storage space, a good rule of thumb is to clean it before or after it is half full.

Also, if you find that your freezer is not working properly – for example, your items are not as cold as they used to be or you hear the freezer running frequently – that is another sign that it will need to be clean.

In general, you are advised to create a regular cleaning schedule

– every three months, for example, or twice a year for the proper functioning of the freezer.

Regular brushing is less painful than regular repairs.

What do I need to do the job?

You will need a cooler with ice to keep your items chilled while you clean them.

If you don’t have a refrigerator, you can use an ice bowl, which “won’t work as well” [in terms of keeping your things completely cold], but will provide “a convenient hurry up.”

For personal cleaning, you will need a soft cloth and dish soap.

You’ll also need a vacuum cleaner or some other type of vacuum cleaner.

If your freezer smells and/or has stubborn stains, you can :

create a special cleaning solution by mixing a quart of warm water with

2 tablespoons of baking soda and

a teaspoon (or less) of ‘vanilla extract.

Another useful tool for stubborn stains: an old toothbrush.

Also, if your freezer has a drip pan, you’ll need a good sanitizer. Finally, if you have a stainless steel refrigerator, you’ll need baby oil and a microfiber cloth.

I have everything. what do i do now?

how to deep clean your freezer

You should allocate between 30 minutes and an hour for the project

When you’re ready, follow these steps:

  • Before you begin any cleaning, turn off your freezer. This will save energy when you clean and protect you when you are aggressive.
  • Fill your sink with warm, soapy water.
    Remove the ice tray and pour the ice into your cooler or bowl, then place your ice cube tray in the sink to drain.
  • From there, take all the food out of the freezer and sort your produce into two piles: what you’ll keep and what you’ll throw away.
  • For foods in the first group, take the time to clean them and clean them thoroughly (for example, remove any residue from the lid on the side of the pot or the outside of the Tupperware) before storing them in Your device is temporarily silent.
  • Take out all the drawers and put them in soapy water for cleaning.
    Use a vacuum cleaner to remove any crumbs left on the bottom of the freezer. When removing the nozzle, use a vacuum cleaner to remove any dust, dirt, or debris. Just make sure to be slow and gentle so you don’t damage the coil.
  • If your freezer has a leaky pan in the bottom, remove it and dispose of it, preferably somewhere other than the kitchen, Silva-Nash said, because it may contain contaminated water.
  • Clean it thoroughly with a disinfectant.
  • Bring eggs and hot water to a cleaner (either dish soap or baking powder/vanilla mix).
  • Wipe everything inside the freezer with a cloth, top to bottom, left to right.
  • For stains that can’t be removed with a cloth, try a toothbrush.
    Once the inside is clean, take a new cloth or paper towel and dry the inside, working from top to bottom, left to right.
  • After washing the inside, turn your freezer back on and replace the drawer with the ice cube tray.
  • When the freezer is cool again, put your food back in, arranging it so that your oldest, closest items are at the front and the newest items are at the back.
    While you’re at it, make sure any food has an expiration date that’s easy to confirm.
  • Now, do something outside. If you have a stainless steel freezer, use oil and a microfiber cloth to clean the doors, handles and sides. If you have a stainless steel freezer, use a cloth or paper towel and water/soap to do the same.

  • Finally, for a future-scented freezer, place an open soda can inside or soak a cotton ball in vanilla, orange, or lemon extract (depending on your preference). back corner.

How to Disinfect Your Freezer

When the freezer is thawed, clean the interior with warm soapy water, then use a clean cloth to wipe away the soap and dirt.

Use a toothbrush or cloth to clean the cracks of the freezer, then dry them.

A popular way to clean the freezer is to use a tablespoon of bleach mixed with a gallon of water, but there are less toxic ways to remove germs.

An easier way to clean is to mix one part white vinegar, one part water, and three parts baking soda into a paste.

Alcohol is a natural disinfectant and baking soda helps to lighten stains and deodorize.

Just mix the paste and wipe the inside of the freezer, then wipe the paste with a clean and fresh cloth.

How to you defrost you Freezer?

Most modern freezers come with a frost setting, and while this process can be slow, it is convenient and easy to use. If you don’t want to wait, you’ll need to unplug your refrigerator and take it out by hand.

Of course, emptying the freezer in your fridge/freezer combo by removing it means you have to transfer food from your fridge to the fridge.

To speed up the heat removal, you can put a large pot of hot water inside and close the door, or you can use a hair dryer to melt the ice.


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