27 Sep, Friday
how to deal with a data breach

how to deal with a data breach – 4 tips

This article is about how to deal with a data breach. The threat of data breaches is ever-present, whether you have a large business or a small startup. This security breach can be a small annoyance that can be fixed in a few hours or an unexpected event that can cost you a lot. Regardless of the extent of the breach, it is important to have a data breach prevention and response plan in place to protect your data and ensure the longevity of your business.

how to deal with a data breach

Here are some strategies you can follow before, during, and after a breach to protect your data.

Prepare for data breaches

New schemes to steal and expose sensitive information are emerging all the time. Some of these techniques are compiled into guides, such as the so-called Bible of Cheats, to make it easier for hackers to carry out their attacks. Therefore, it is important to always be prepared to protect your data and your network against data breaches and other threats.

Here’s what you can do to protect your system from possible cybersecurity attacks.

1. Secure your network

The first step in preparing for a data breach is securing your corporate network. Install security software on every device connected to your system, especially those that are used for communication and are frequently used. Use a password-protected router with strong encryption to prevent hackers from manipulating your security system and accessing your shared network information. If you must use a public network, consider using a virtual private network (VPN) to add protection against cyber threats. A VPN encrypts your internet traffic and hides your online identity when using a public network, making it harder for attackers to monitor your internet activity and steal your data.

2. Update your software and operating system

Attackers can find security vulnerabilities in outdated software and operating systems. This is because older versions do not have the latest security features to prevent new types of cyber attacks. That said, make sure that your computer software – network security, programs, and operating systems – are updated to their latest version. It also improves compatibility, improves program performance and ensures that your device works properly.

3. Identify the data breach process

Data loss is the result of cyberattacks, which means that there are various ways hackers can achieve this.

Some of these bad habits are:


A form of social media attack in which an attacker sends fraudulent messages to the victim and tricks them into revealing confidential information or delivering malware.

Brute force attacks:

trial and error methods in which attackers work through all combinations of the victim’s login credentials until they get into the system.


Any software designed to gain unauthorized access to information or systems and expose sensitive data
Knowing the different types of cyberattacks allows you to prepare and take the right actions when these threats occur.

4. Create a secure database

Regularly protecting your files and storing them in a safe place is important to prevent data corruption and theft.

This security should be protected with strong passwords and strong network security systems such as firewalls, anti-malware programs, security gateways, and surrounding intrusion detection systems.

In addition, you need to protect your data during transfer, because it is exposed to attacks and can fall into the wrong hands.

You can also use encryption to protect information while in transit.

Respond to data breaches

Having a security system in place does not always guarantee complete protection against malicious attacks.

Some hackers are smart enough to bypass your security measures, or it may be because sensitive data is exposed to the public without your knowledge.

Whatever the reason, the incident happened and now you have to deal with the damage before it gets worse. Here are the steps to follow in the event of a data breach.

1. Know what happened

Review the incident as soon as you become aware of it. Check your records, talk to those who discovered the breach, and make sure you’re documenting everything as you go.

Gather all the facts about the breach as you uncover them to understand what happened and why.

The information you find can also help you determine the number of people involved, identify related data, create a timeline of what happened, and determine what actions have been taken so far.

2. Has the damage

While you’re investigating, work hard to protect your work and limit vulnerabilities so you can get the damage done as quickly as possible.

This will prevent a lot of data corruption and stop before the death message. You should also be able to recover lost data immediately.

Protect logins that may be connected to the breach by locking them down, changing your login credentials, and limiting access while you troubleshoot the problem.

You should check with other parties who may have access to the relevant information and determine whether you need to update their access rights.

3. Assess the risks

Once you’ve identified the damage, begin investigating the potential harm to those involved. Determine the type of data involved in the breach, the scope of the breach, and the organizations that may have access to the information that was lost or stolen.

In addition, it is important to determine who will be affected, how many parties will be affected, and how the event will affect them.

The possibility of this happening again is something that should be taken into account when assessing the risks.

4. Tell what happened

Companies are required to report a data breach within 72 hours to comply with various company laws and regulations, especially if the situation involves the disclosure of personal or confidential information.

Parties you must notify include law enforcement, business partners, and affected customers and employees.

Give them all the important information you got about the breach, such as what happened, when the incident happened, the results of your risk assessment, and the steps taken to contain the breach.

Data corruption recovery

After responding to a cyberattack and taking the proper steps to report it, there are a few more things you can do to recover from the incident.

1. Acknowledge the damage, identify its source and determine the extent

You will have a dedicated security team to show if a data breach occurs, referencing it to the results of your detection or prevention system (IDS/IPS). These systems automatically set up storage as they happen.

Once recovered, review your logs to determine where the breach came from, what information was accessed and possibly stolen, and what the hackers did to carry out the attack.

Keep this evidence for reports and for future reference.

2. Secure your network

Begin protecting all accounts, devices, and networks affected by the breach, including potential targets. Update your login credentials and set up two or multi-factor authentication (2FA/MFA) where possible.

Do not reuse old passwords or those that contain personally identifiable information such as name, nickname, date of birth and other personal details.

It is recommended to specify a password of at least 12 characters with upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols.

Additionally, you must replace all servers, machines and programs that were damaged by the attack.

Consider this a precaution to prevent the incident from happening again.

3. Upgrade your security system

A data breach event means that there is a weakness in your security system. Review your risk assessment report to identify areas of your network security that need improvement and other steps you can take to protect your company’s data.

Test new and old security measures to ensure their effectiveness against cyber attacks.

This step can reveal overlooked vulnerabilities, allowing you to fix them and strengthen cybersecurity.

last word

Business transactions and operations become easier when businesses go digital, but this convenience does not come without the threat of cyberattacks that lead to data breaches.

This is why it is important to implement a prevention strategy to protect your system from such threats. You must know how to deal with a data breach. In the event of a breakdown, having an action plan and recovery guide allows you to act quickly and minimize potential damage.


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