27 Sep, Friday
clean and disinfect your mattress

clean and disinfect your mattress easily

This article will tell you how to clean and disinfect your mattress easily. Most of us spend about a third of our lives in bed. But if you have to think about all the germs, bacteria, and little critters living in your mattress, you probably aren’t sleeping well. Even if you change and wash your clothes every week, your clothes should still be clean. This is due to dust, body oils, sweat and dead skin that seeps through your sheets while you sleep.

how to clean and disinfect your mattress easily

With a little effort, you can clean and disinfect the surface of your mattress. The room is another story, unless you can get a steam cleaner like the factory and the holding unit is not good. But most of the time, it’s the height you’re thinking about, anyway.

How to clean your mattress

If possible, clean your mattress outside on a warm sunny day that is not too humid. There’s a reason we have spring cleaning in the fall instead of winter cleaning and summer cleaning!

Sunlight will help your mattress dry when you clean it.

Better yet, it works as a disinfectant, helping you kill bacteria and excess UV light. If you can’t go out, the best option is to clear the space in your bedroom and lean your bed against the wall in front of the sunny window.

Start by removing as much dust as possible (maybe a few dusts, if you’re lucky) by running your vacuum cleaner over the fabric the whole body.

If a fresh spill, pet accident, or rag inspired your mattress, use a clean towel to soak up as much liquid as possible before removing it.

The easiest way to remove stains is to use carpet and fabric cleaners that are used to remove pet stains.

Gently spray the cleaning solution on your mattress and work the stain from the outer edge inward. This should prevent dirt from spreading.

When the dirt is gone, all you have to do is wipe the area with a wet cloth, then wipe the area with a dry cloth.

How to disinfect your mattress

Once you have removed the dust and dirt, you can use different methods to clean your mattress.

Run a steam cloth or other hand-held steam cleaner over the surface to kill germs and dust, and sprinkle baking soda to freshen and deodorize (let sit for a few minutes, then rinse).

But to kill other bacteria, you will need to use some type of disinfectant solution.

Choose a disinfectant or solution that smells good to you (you can use vinegar and soda water or just cheap vodka!)

Avoid using bleach – it’s good to kill bacteria, but it is too strong for the fabric that covers most mattresses.

If you use a liquid cleaner, soak it in hot water according to the instructions of the name, soak a clean cloth in the solution, then – this part is very important – carefully wipe the cloth so that only humidity.

The goal is to clean the surface of the mattress without allowing it to fill with moisture, which can lead to mold or mildew.

To spread the disinfectant, spray a small amount on the entire cloth, then wipe it with a clean cloth that has been soaked in hot water and rinsed well.

Make sure you give your mattress plenty of time to dry – a few hours on each side is best.

Then, cover it with bed sheets, bed sheets and blankets and have a good night’s sleep!


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