26 Sep, Thursday
11 cyber security threats to blockchain technology today

11 cyber security threats to blockchain technology today

In today’s world, the blockchain industry is one of the fastest growing industries. This new technology has proven to be revolutionary for businesses and companies around the world. We have narrowed down 11 cyber security threats to blockchain technology Today. This is because despite the excitement elicited by blockchain technology, cybersecurity risks are also becoming a big issue.

Cyber ​​attacks are a constant security threat. Anyone who works on the corporate blockchain will need to take every precaution to protect their assets, even if they use external wallets.

Users can extend these risks to physical and virtual objects for the group. Physical risks include data breaches and asset theft, while physical risks include phishing, malware, and ransomware. Both are serious risks that can cost a business a lot of money if not properly addressed.

Cybercriminals are always looking for new ways to get valuable information from your cryptocurrency wallet, and their attacks are becoming more sophisticated.


1. Lack of security awareness among users worldwide

There is a lack of information sharing between companies and a high risk of being targeted by cybercriminals. Most companies now have more than 8 out of 10 employees accessing sensitive information.

In an optimistic scenario, some companies have found that more than 95% of their data is stolen by third parties, who use traditional methods to install malware directly into their systems.

Employees need to buy into data security, as it is one of their primary responsibilities.

2. Hackers can attack underlying infrastructure

Blockchain is a game-changing technology that will almost certainly be targeted by hackers in the near future. However, this is still a new technology that many people do not know.

Therefore, the threat of hackers targeting the following systems is very real. This means that businesses should do everything possible to secure their platforms against potential threats and exploitation.

3. New technologies in the blockchain ecosystem

Blockchain is just one part of the growing blockchain ecosystem. This ecosystem includes a variety of emerging technologies, from distributed ledgers to new contract platforms. There is a high risk of cyber criminals targeting these new technologies.

4. There is no cybersecurity policy in place

Some argue that there are no clear and generally accepted principles for ensuring cybersecurity in the blockchain industry. Many companies need to develop their own security system, which is not good.

5. Making threats is a big deal

Detecting an insider threat is difficult, since this attack cannot be detected. Most companies won’t know that an auditor is looking for them until it already happens. Therefore, it is important that they have appropriate procedures and regulations to prevent intruders from actually damaging their data and information.

In addition, insiders can get a lot of sensitive information that they share with other sources. Because this information can be very valuable, businesses should use the latest security measures to prevent their data from leaving the network in any way possible.

6. Integration of blockchain and IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) allows various devices and equipment to connect to the Internet and share important information. It also introduces a new risk of cyberattacks in the blockchain industry, because many devices are still not fully protected. Anyone involved in the blockchain industry should be aware of these tools and take additional measures to protect them from risks.

7. The attackers are getting more innovative

With the emergence of new blockchain-based technologies and platforms, attackers are becoming more strategic in their attacks. The number of targeted attacks has increased and in some cases hackers are using virtual currency as a means to carry out their malicious plans.

8. Many companies are investing in blockchain technology

The world’s largest technology companies, including Amazon, IBM and Microsoft, have recently announced large investments in blockchain technology. The fact that they are investing in such a new and unproven technology should be a cause for concern, because many of these companies will be targeted for those who run away.

9. There are no rules in the Cryptospace

One of the biggest problems facing blockchain technology is that it is not regulated and controlled by political powers. For example, suppose a hacker steals information from a company that uses blockchain and sells it to a competitor. In this case, there is no legal system available to help support the victim.

10. Phishing Onslought

A hacker’s goal in most phishing attacks is to steal user credentials. they will send a valid email to the owner of the wallet key. The user is required to enter the login information through the fake hyperlink provided.

Access to user credentials and other sensitive information can harm both the user and the blockchain network. They are also susceptible to other attacks.

To prevent phishing attacks:

• Improve browser security by installing recommended add-ons or extensions to warn you about dangerous websites.

• improve device security by installing malware detection software in the same way as reliable anti-virus software.

• Contact support or a partner if you receive an email requesting login information regarding this issue.

• Do not click on links until you have carefully reviewed them. Instead of clicking a link, enter the address in your browser’s privacy tab.

• Avoid open or public Wi-Fi networks in cafes.

• Check that your system and software are up to date.

11. Attack of the Sybile Nature

During a Sybil attack, hackers create different fake network interfaces. by using these nodes, the hacker will get many confirmations and break the transaction chain. As a result, the full Sybil Assault is nothing but a 51% attack. To prevent Sybil attacks:

• Use an approved consensus algorithm.

• Examine the behavior of other nodes and look for nodes that only measure user transfer blocks. Although these algorithms do not completely prevent such attacks, they create many obstacles and make it impossible for hackers.


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